I don't know what my feeling supposed to be. Wait a sec, i'm wanna laugh full hahahahahahahahahahaha~ it's not enough to me bacause i feel this is a life, what a life! If you want to understand this story you should open
this (i'm was fool wrote that) and then let me to tell. First, i lose my first boy in senior high school, after we had relationship since junior school, after that, we break up because his new girlfriend, emm.... exactly, she take away my boy can you imagine how broke my heart that time? hulalala~ so childish i'm. And then, they have very very long time relationship. Began from first time senior high until..... last time I heard this news, maybe 2 years more and now..... those boy has have a new girlfriend! Hahahahaha so pity you are (first girl before) you got what i've got dude! I know what you feel right now:p Congratulations for a new couple and also gilr who has leaved! Feel the pain that i have been. Now i'm more trust with you,
Karma. Becareful!
before |
after |
HUAHAHAHAHA finally she get KARMA haha now i turst karma like you din , eh itu foto lu masukin sini gakketauan dimasnya apah -___- semoga ya para penjahat cinta dapet karma yg lebih kejam ya din :''''
BalasHapusKagakkkkk dimas gatau kayaknya sih kl tau jg gapapa kok dimas sama gua udh kayak temen skrg noy hahaha oke lu jgn khawatir atas apa yg lu rasain pasti dpt balesannya yakkk! wkwkwk
BalasHapushaha alhamdulillah akhirnya jd sahabt ya din :) iya dia pasti bakalan ngerasain apa yg gue rasain hahahaha